Recipe to make MUJI Baum even more delicious

MUJI's "Baum" series has many fans. You can enjoy the taste that changes with the seasons, but if you add a little more arrangement, it will be dramatically delicious!

That is the "cream cheese toast" tailoring. Simply put cheese on top and bake, but this is exquisite.

● Materials

Click here for the materials to prepare.

1 bottle of Baum with your favorite taste 3 tablespoons of cream cheese
1 teaspoon grated cheese
1 teaspoon granulated sugar

In the official recipe of MUJI that I refer to, it is made with pumpkin baum, but you can use baum with your favorite taste. This time I prepared bananas and sweet potatoes.

Recipe to make MUJI Baum even more delicious

● How to make

Bring the cream cheese to room temperature. Add grated cheese and granulated sugar here and mix well.

Recipe to make MUJI Baum even more delicious
Add grated cheese and granulated sugar to cream cheese

Recipe to make MUJI Baum even more delicious
Mix well until smooth

Put the cheese dough on the baum and bake it in a toaster to complete it! According to the official recipe, it takes 3 minutes with a 700W toaster, but this time it was as good as baking at 740W for about 6 minutes. Please adjust the time according to the season and the heat of the toaster.

Recipe to make MUJI Baum even more delicious
If you apply it to Baum

Recipe to make MUJI Baum even more delicious
To the oven

Recipe to make MUJI Baum even more delicious

● What is the taste?

It's really good ... What is this?

Recipe to make MUJI Baum even more delicious

The outside is crispy, the inside is fluffy and warm, and the texture of the crispy cheese dough and the smooth melting of the mouth overlap. The slight acidity and creamy richness of cheese match the soft sweetness of Baum that makes the best use of the ingredients!

Recipe to make MUJI Baum even more delicious

It's like eating freshly baked sweets served at cafes and cake shops. I'm sure the first bite will impress you. It only takes a little effort, so please try it as a reward for yourself!