KALDI "Seri Exquisite Cannoulette"
KALDI's frozen canulés are delicious.

Canelé is a traditional baked pastry from the Bordeaux region of France. It is a bit of a touristy pastry, so there may not be many people who buy and eat it all the time.

But.... Even if you are not familiar with it, you should try KALDI's frozen canelés! I am sure you will want to repeat the experience because it is so delicious. I especially recommend it to rum lovers.

KALDI's "Serie Exquisite Cannoulet

KALDIo's original "Seri Exquisites Cannoulet", 180 yen per piece (tax included). These canelees are baked in a dough made from carefully selected ingredients, with rum and vanilla added.

KALDI "Seri Exquisite Cannoulette"
Get it from the frozen section at KALDI's.

Leave it in the refrigerator for 6 hours or at room temperature for 1 to 2 hours to defrost naturally, or place it in a 500W microwave oven for 40 seconds to defrost. Personally, I recommend defrosting it in the microwave once and then eating it again in the refrigerator or at room temperature after it has completely cooled down from the heat. The surface of the warmed and fluffy canelet will become tighter and tighter when cooled, allowing you to enjoy the gradation of textures.

KALDI "Seri Exquisite Cannoulette"

KALDI "Seri Exquisite Cannoulette"
Cross section looks like this

The surface is thinly caramelized and has a slightly hard texture. In contrast, the inside is soft and moist, and when you bite into it, it is very chewy. The center of the cake has a melt-in-your-mouth texture. The richness of the butter and the sweetness of the vanilla filling your mouth, and the aroma of rum tickling your nose...ahhh, delicious!

KALDI "Seri Exquisite Cannoulette"
Once you try it, you'll be hooked!

It is small enough to fit in the palm of your hand, but the richness of the butter, vanilla, and rum makes it a satisfying treat.

The limited-quantity "Canelé au Chocolat" is also delicious!

Also available in limited quantities is the chocolate-flavored "Canelé au Chocolat. The price is 180 yen per piece (tax included).

KALDI "Cannele au chocolat
Chocolates in limited quantities

KALDI "Cannele au chocolat
Size is the same

Instead of rum and vanilla, cocoa powder is kneaded into the batter. The outside is moist and sticky! The inside is smooth, and the bittersweet cocoa melts with the butter. Delicious!

KALDI "Cannele au chocolat
This one does not taste like alcohol.

Since they are frozen, you can buy them in bulk and keep them in your freezer. They will be useful for entertaining guests on short notice. If you haven't tried it yet, give it a try!

KALDI "Serie Exquisite Cannolais" and "Cannolais au Chocolat".
Be careful not to overeat!