7-ELEVEN "7-ELEVEN CAFE" has been renewed
7-ELEVEN coffee is even more delicious!

7-ELEVEN's self-service drip coffee "7-ELEVEN CAFE" has undergone a major renewal for the first time since its launch in 2013. It will be reborn as a "richer taste" and will be rolled out nationwide from early March.

This time, we pursued the taste by sticking to the "fragrance" and "richness" of coffee. By reviewing the bean blend and increasing the roasting method from 2 types to 3 types, we have adopted a "triple roasting method" that allows you to enjoy the deliciousness and deep richness. Furthermore, by increasing the amount of beans used per cup by about 10%, the taste will be richer.

In addition, the drip manufacturing method for each cup does not change, but it seems that the taste is brought out more by increasing the "steaming time" of the beans.

The lineup of 7-ELEVEN Cafe is as follows.

Hot coffee R 100 yen (tax included, same below)
Hot coffee L 150 yen Ice coffee R 100 yen Ice coffee L 180 yen Hot cafe latte R 150 yen Hot cafe latte L 200 yen Ice cafe latte R 180 yen Ice cafe latte L 250 yen