FamilyMart "Grilled Cheese & Bacon (Smoked Style)"
Cheese instead of seaweed?

Two new rice balls are now available at FamilyMart. "Grilled cheese & bacon (smoked style)" and "Sobameshi rice ball" are on sale from November 7th (excluding some stores).

Roasted cheese & bacon (smoked style) is a Western-style rice ball that combines roasted cheese with rice. The cheese is a combination of smoked cream cheese, Gouda's smoked sliced cheese, and shredded cheese. The rice is seasoned with soy sauce to match the cheese. The price is 149 yen (tax included, same below).

On the other hand, the sobameshi rice ball is a reproduction of the "sobameshi" that originated in Nagata-ku, Kobe. The chewy noodles and rice are mixed, and the sweet and rich yakisoba sauce is seasoned with spicy and other sauces. The price is 130 yen.

Both are made from domestic rice.

FamilyMart "Sobameshi Rice Ball"
That sweet and sour taste with rice balls