The other day, when I was searching for ice cream at a convenience store in Tokyo, I found a product called "Doutor Cafe au lait Cookie Sandwich"! The price is 172 yen (tax included). I was curious, so I bought it.

I love cookie sandwich ice cream because it's delicious
I love cookie sandwich ice cream because it's delicious

The type is "ice cream", which contains the most milk components. Isn't this price cheap for ice cream?

Nice "ice cream" notation
Nice "ice cream" notation

Café au lait cookie sandwich jointly developed by Morinaga & Co. and Doutor Coffee. Two cookies, "coffee cookie" and "honey flavored cookie", sandwiched with chocolate chip cafe au lait ice cream. The black grains of coffee cookies are crushed coffee beans, and the brown grains of honey flavored cookies are almonds.

Top is coffee cookie, bottom is honey flavored cookie
Top is coffee cookie, bottom is honey flavored cookie

The small grains are almonds
The small grains are almonds

When you bite into a moist cookie , it's not sweet at all! The crumbled cookies and melting ice cream mix in your mouth, spreading the aroma and deep bitterness of coffee. The mildness and richness derived from the milk component is surprising, but it's not as sweet as I expected!

Because cafe au lait is familiar as a rich coffee with plenty of milk. When you hear the taste of cafe au lait, don't you imagine the sweet and creamy taste? As a bitter lover, this is a nice betrayal!

Betrayed my expectations in a good way
Betrayed my expectations in a good way

The sweet scent of honey (cookies) that occasionally reaches the nasal cavity and the crispy chocolate chips serve as an assist to enhance the taste of coffee. Anyway, coffee insists .

However, the ice cream is soft and soft like whipped cream, and melts instantly like cotton candy when you put it in your mouth, so you don't feel the bitterness of coffee. The balance between taste and mouthfeel is well thought out!

Not only people who like ice cream and coffee, but also men who don't usually eat sweets may be addicted to it. When I contacted Morinaga & Co., it seems that Doutor Cafe au lait cookie sandwich is limited to convenience stores nationwide, and the number of production is limited, so it will be for a limited time until around November (planned). If you notice it, it may be sold out, so if you are interested, please look for it as soon as possible!