"#LOVE Letters BOX", which is a set of "lettuce beer" and lettuce, was released on August 25th. It can be purchased on the website of the direct production group "Vegetable Club".

"#LOVE Letters BOX" which is a set of lettuce beer and lettuce
"#LOVE Letters BOX" which is a set of lettuce beer and lettuce

"VEGEALE LETTUCE", also known as "lettuce beer," is a beer with plenty of lettuce. It has been on sale since the fall of 2014. The product to be released this time is a set of this veggie lettuce, lettuce from Showa Village, Gunma Prefecture, and a snack recipe using lettuce. Produced by the website "Beer Girls". The price is 3,000 yen (tax included, shipping not included), and it will be on sale until the end of September.

There is an anecdote that lettuce-only salad is called "honeymoon salad" because "lettuce alone" sounds like "Let us alone". Because of this, it is possible to have a message card included when sending the product.