Kikkoman "Soy milk drink Mitarashi dango"

New products released to the world every day. Trying them out is a never-ending "quest" for new lovers.

"New Product Quest" is a series in which members of the En-Eating Editorial Department eat up (review) new products.

● Members

Editorial department Sally
Name: Gourmet Club Sally Soy milk is much better to put on cereal than milk
Editorial department leaflet Name: Chirashi I like soy products other than soy milk (Yubatoka)

● A new product has appeared!

Kikkoman "Soy milk drink Mitarashi dango"
Unknown deliciousness!

Editorial department leaflet This time, we will fight the new flavor of Kikkoman's "soy milk drink", "Mitarashi Dango". It is on sale from August 21st. The estimated price is 90 yen (excluding tax).
Editorial department Sally It's a "Mitarashi" flavor that has been a hot topic these days. It seems that "Kikkoman soy sauce" is used for seasoning!

● Fight (Tasting)

Kikkoman "Soy milk drink Mitarashi dango"
What is the taste?

Editorial department leaflet I'm a little nervous to drink, but ... it's time!
Editorial department Sally (Close to your mouth) ... Wow !? Soy sauce? The smell is amazing!
Editorial department leaflet The aroma and sweetness of mitarashi spread on your tongue at once. It has a strong taste, so it's more like a sauce than a drink.
Editorial department Sally Goku ... Really, it looks like a sweet and sour example.

Kikkoman "Soy milk drink Mitarashi dango"
It looks white, but it tastes like mitarashi

Editorial department leaflet The position of "dango" in Mitarashi dango, where the mellowness of soy milk is seen. It gently neutralizes the slightly salty mitarashi taste.
Editorial department Sally I see, even if "Mitarashi" is good, what is the "dango" part? I was wondering, but did soy milk itself play the role of dumplings?
Editorial department leaflet After swallowing, the thick taste remains for a while, which is like a real mitarashi dango. …Hmm? There is a moment when you can feel the flavor like kinako by combining the aroma of mitarashi and the taste of soy milk.
Editorial department Sally Well, kinako is definitely the most fragrant bean.
Editorial department leaflet Also, when I drink it, my tongue is mochi, isn't it? It creates the illusion of. This experience is new.
Editorial department Sally ...? (Is it okay ...) Don't bite your tongue.

Kikkoman "Soy milk drink Mitarashi dango"
Looking at the raw material label ...

Editorial department leaflet Oh, the raw material contains "kelp extract".
Editorial department Sally If you ask, is it the umami of dashi? Taste ... slightly ...

● Impressions

Editorial department Sally The "dango" element of Mitarashi dango is the "tongue" of everyone who drank it. Thank you.
Editorial department leaflet It feels a little salty, so it seems to be well-balanced when you drink it with sweet Japanese sweets. If you like mitarashi, can you give it a try?

Calories earned this time: 142kcal (per piece)