Sandwich kiri cream cheese with all raisins
"Devil's sweets" and how to eat the topic

Everyone loves "kiri" cream cheese, but there is a way to eat it that has been talked about on Twitter as "devil's sweets". It is a baked confectionery with raisins, "All Raisins," in which a whole piece of kiri cream cheese is sandwiched .

I also tried it in the eating editorial department, but I almost fainted because it was so delicious ... Don't do this! I can't stop !!

Kiri cream cheese sandwiched between "all raisins"

To make it, just put one piece of Kiri cream cheese between two all-raisins.

Sandwich kiri cream cheese with all raisins
This is all you need to prepare

Sandwich kiri cream cheese with all raisins
2 pieces of all raisins in 1 package

Sandwich kiri cream cheese with all raisins
Just put cream cheese in it

When it comes to the deliciousness of the crisply fragrant dough and the rich, smooth cream cheese that melts in your mouth ... it's a good match as if it had been decided from the beginning ! The richness of butter and cream cheese scented from the dough is combined to create a rich sweetness like raisin sand or butter sand.

Sandwich kiri cream cheese with all raisins
Maybe it was fate that the two met

Sandwich kiri cream cheese with all raisins
Moist dough and thick cream cheese melt together

What's more, the feeling of guilt of eating whole Kiri cream cheese can be alleviated by sandwiching it with all raisins. Not really?

There are various flavors such as apple and orange in the "All Raisins" series, but the sweetness of raisins, the acidity of cream cheese, and the saltiness are insanely matched, so I personally recommend the orthodox raisins. Not only can you eat it as a snack, but the combination of raisins and cheese is perfect for wine!

By the way, the calorie per piece of all raisins is 33.9kcal, and the calories per piece of kiri cream cheese is 61kcal, so the total calories of all raisins sand is about 130kcal. For your reference.