"Maru-chan Serious Chicken Pota" with thick noodles often entwined in a thick soup like potage
Thick noodles are often entwined in a thick soup like potage

Instant noodles in a cup "Maruchan Serious Chicken Pota" will be released by Toyo Suisan on April 24th. A cup of rich chicken plain hot water like a potage. Suggested retail price 205 yen (excluding tax).

"Maru-chan Majimori" is a vertical big cup brand by Toyo Suisan. It features voluminous "Large" noodles, "Dark" soup, and "Guttsuri" ingredients.

This "Chicken Pota" is a dish that is often entwined with thick noodles and thick chicken plain hot water soup. As ingredients, chicken dumplings, green onions, cabbage, and onions were added to finish.