Osaka Kawaii Pambo Skewers Pancakes
Kushikatsu pancakes that are not kushikatsu!

The sweets shop "Osaka Kawaii PANBO", which offers "skewer pancakes", opened on February 20th in Osaka City, Osaka Prefecture.

A sweets shop with the concept of "Osaka Kawaii". The signature product is "Kushi Pancake," which is a 40 cm long stick with bite-sized pancakes, fresh fruits, and marshmallows stabbed alternately. You can decorate it to your liking by adding sauces and toppings at the decoration corner inside the store.

Osaka Kawaii Pambo
Toppings are your choice

The price is 800 yen (tax included). Like Osaka's famous kushikatsu, it is prohibited to pickle the sauce twice.