Sugar Market "Flower Blooming Plum Wine Festival"
"Flower blooming plum wine festival" is held!

At each of the plum wine and fruit wine specialty stores "SHUGAR MARKET", the "Flower Blooming Plum Wine Festival" will be held where you can compare and drink 10 types of plum wine cocktails. The period is from November 12th to December 10th.

This is an all-you-can-drink and comparison campaign of 10 types of plum wine cocktails. It is said that they will be offered not only in taste but also in appearance, such as plum wine cocktails with beautiful gradation.

The shop's recommendation is the "Flower-blooming Umeshu Cocktail," which is made by sprinkling warm plum wine on specially cut fruits to make it look like a rose. The gentle sweetness and aroma of plum wine and fruits spread.

Sugar Market "Flower Blooming Plum Wine Cocktail"
Beautiful fruit roses

The price is 3,240 yen (10 kinds of plum wine cocktails all-you-can-drink + 100 kinds of plum wine / fruit sake all-you-can-drink).