"913 (Nu Juan Troyes)" souffle cheesecake

"Soy food" brand "913 (Nufan Troyes)" using soybeans is now available. It will be on sale from November 16th at the event space of Tamagawa Takashimaya S / C (Setagaya-ku, Tokyo).

913 is a brand that uses domestic ingredients such as 100% soybean milk from Okayama prefecture as raw materials and is particular about finishing without additives. In addition to baked goods, "souffle cheesecake," "cremedange," and "fruit confiture" are also available.

Creme Danju of "913 (Nu Juan Troyes)"
Raw cheesecake "Kureme Danju" It is recommended to combine it with fruit compote

Fruit confiture of "913 (Nu Juan Troyes)"
Fruit confiture is only fruit and sugar

The brand name is said to be derived from the fact that September 13th of the lunar calendar is called "Mamemeigetsu" and it has been celebrated like a mid-autumn moon with edamame.