Muscat of Alexandria
Muscat of Alexandria, also known as the "Queen of Fruits"

Okayama Prefecture's special product "Muscat of Alexandria", which is said to be a "fruit powerhouse", was recently put up for the first auction in 2016. And it seems that the maximum price of one box (one bunch / 1 kg) was 30,000 yen!

I received the first such super-luxury Muscat, so I decided to check the terrifying taste even in the eating editorial department. What is different from the usual Muscat?

◆ Muscat, which Cleopatra also loved

Muscat of Alexandria is a Muscat variety native to North Africa. It is said that he also loved Egyptian Queen Cleopatra, one of the three beauties of the world. It is also called the "Queen of Fruits" because of its rich aroma and elegant sweetness.

Muscat of Alexandria
The Queen of Fruits, also loved by the Queen of Egypt

◆ Sugar content is higher than usual

It is said that the sugar content of Muscat is about 18 degrees on average, but the sugar content of this Muscat of Alexandria measured just before the first auction is "22 degrees". This year's Okayama was blessed with good weather, and it seems that a very sweet and delicious muscat was made.

Muscat of Alexandria
All the grains!

◆ Each grain is bread bread

Muscat with a uniform grain. Probably because it contains plump flesh and plenty of juice, each grain is just torn apart. When washed with water, it is also beautiful that the firm skin repels water droplets.

Muscat of Alexandria
What is this jewel?

When I put it on a plate like that, the aristocrat became a pinch . You're lying on a velvet sofa, holding a glass of wine in one hand, and definitely holding a Siamese cat in your lap.

◆ The taste and aroma are strong!

Peel off the large, round and thick grains and stretch them. When you put your teeth on the crisp skin ...

Muscat of Alexandria
One grain full of flesh

First of all, the spread of the scent at the moment of biting is amazing! It is wrapped in the fresh scent of Muscat throughout the mouth and nose. And the flesh is messed up ! The sweet juice that was trapped in the mouth bursts out and fills your mouth.

Cut Muscat of Alexandria pulp
Fresh flesh

I couldn't compare it with the usual Muscat (this is the "first thing", so Muscat itself isn't in the store yet ...), but anyway, the Muscat of Alexandria from Okayama that I ate this time is It has a strong taste and aroma . It has a rich sweetness that is elegant and pops, and even if swallowed, it leaves a lingering finish in the mouth for a while. In addition, the firm mouthfeel and the freshness of the first bite were also impressive!

By the way, when I counted how many grains were in a bunch, there were 73 grains. In other words, if the market price is 30,000 yen, one grain will cost more than 400 yen , so I ate something scary.

Muscat of Alexandria pulp
Let's eat with heart ...

Muscat of Alexandria is being sold at high-end fruit stores nationwide, including Senbiya, Shinjuku Takano, Sunfruit, and Shihoya. It's not a price that you can easily buy, but I think it's okay to inspire you once in a while to give gifts to your loved ones or reward yourself or your family.

On June 11th and 12th, the "Okayama Muscat Fair" will be held at 12 stores in Tokyo at the Senbiya Sohonten. You can also sample Muscat of Alexandria, so if you plan to go out, why not stop by?

◆ Finally

If you want to enjoy only the melting sweetness of Muscat, you should peel it off and eat it, but the producer recommends eating it without peeling it to enjoy the contrast between astringency and sweetness . I also like it because I feel that it has a higher sugar content.

In addition, you can arrange it by wrapping it in prosciutto to make it look like pinchos, or sprinkling it in a salad to make it an accent. In the summer, it's delicious even if it's frozen in the freezer and frozen fruit. If you get it, please enjoy it in various ways!