"Why Juice? ", A specialty store for "cold pressed" juice that manually squeezes vegetables and fruits, will open in Daikanyama, Tokyo on July 11.

A new body-friendly juice store opens (Source: Why Juice? Official Facebook)
A new body-friendly juice store opens (Source: Why Juice? Official Facebook)

The juice at the store is made by the "cold pressed method", which takes time to manually squeeze vegetables and fruits and extract them without destroying their nutrients. It is a clear liquid from which pulp (solids such as pericarp) has been removed, and it has a refreshing and easy-to-drink taste with less strain on the stomach.

Serving carefully squeezed juice (Source: Why Juice? Official Facebook)
Serving carefully squeezed juice (Source: Why Juice? Official Facebook)

A menu of several types of seasonal vegetables and fruits, including 100% fruit juice, is also offered, and no preservatives or food additives are used.

Blend of seasonal ingredients (Source: Why Juice? Official Facebook)
Blend of seasonal ingredients (Source: Why Juice? Official Facebook)

Ingredients are carefully selected from cultivation methods such as "no pesticides, reduced pesticides, organic cultivation, and no chemical fertilizers", and are ordered from all over Japan every season. In addition, the pulp after squeezing will be used as feed at a farm in the suburbs, and glass bottles will be used for the containers, and the company will also work on recycling and reuse.

The store is located on the 1st floor, 13-8 Daikanyama-cho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo. Business hours are from 7:00 to 19:00 (subject to change after opening). In the future, mobile sales will be carried out on bicycle wagons.