"Sense of guilt"--. If you look up this word in my dictionary, it says, "I feel guilty when I lose my appetite and eat too much sweet food." ... yes, I feel good. I know it's no good, but I can't stop eating delicious food.

But! Get information that there are snacks that you can eat without feeling guilty. Its true identity is "Dream Chocolat by Ines Ligron", which is said to have been flooded with reservations at Oisix! It sounds wonderful to be a dream chocolate ...!

My ally who wants to be beautiful?
My ally who wants to be beautiful?

Dream Chocolat is a chocolate bar supervised by former Miss Universe national director Inès Ligron. It's gluten-free and doesn't use dairy products , so it's recommended for women on a diet!

The pink package is also cute
The pink package is also cute

I also tried it! Texture like hard brownie chocolate. Rice puffs and dried fruits are kneaded inside, and it has a crispy and pleasant texture. This is delicious!

Looks good with coffee or tea
Looks good with coffee or tea

The taste of bittersweet cacao is rich because it does not use dairy products. It's a bit of an adult taste . But it's not just bitter! Plenty of raisins and cranberries add a refreshing sweetness . After swallowing, the refreshing acidity of the fruit remains in the mouth.

Even though the raw materials are simple, it has a deep taste. Hmm, delicious !!

If this is the case, you may not want to blame it even if you eat it!
If this is the case, you may not want to blame it even if you eat it!

A diet that eats smarter than a diet that doesn't eat. Dream chocolate, a girl's ally who wants to be beautiful, can be purchased from the Oisix mail order site for 194 yen (tax included)!