The common mark "Frozen Putchin!" Will be printed on each product package of "Putchin Pudding" from June 10th. If you freeze the pudding pudding, you can enjoy the "crispy texture".

Along with this, a "frozen pudding bar" that can be inserted into frozen pudding pudding will be distributed in stores, on the streets, and via the Web. The exclusive bar has 5 colors. It is said that it will be distributed by pasting it on a mount that describes how to make it.

Freeze Putchin exclusive bar!
Freeze Putchin exclusive bar!
Frozen Putchin! how to make
Frozen Putchin! how to make

June 10th is the release date of "Putchin Pudding [Creamy Banana Mix]" for a limited time. When you put it in, the upper row is the usual puttin pudding, and the lower row is the creamy banana pudding, which is said to be a product that you can enjoy two flavors and two textures. It will be on sale until the end of September, and the price is 148 yen per piece and 200 yen for a 3-pack (small size).

New product "Putchin Pudding [Creamy Banana Mix]"
New product "Putchin Pudding [Creamy Banana Mix]"