William von Schneidau of BB Ranch, a farm in Seattle, USA, offers "Pot Pigs" grown in marijuana. Seattle Met, the local media in Seattle, reported.

"Marijuana pig" raised in marijuana
"Marijuana pig" raised in marijuana

The media reported that marijuana pigs were premiered to the public at the "Pot Pig Gig" event held at one of Seattle's tourist attractions, "Pike Place Market." The event served local Seattle people with marijuana pork dishes, along with fresh local food, gourmet cupcakes and vodka.

Seattle people eating marijuana pigs
Seattle people eating marijuana pigs

Although it is named a marijuana pig, it did not cause the pig to inhale marijuana. Marijuana pigs are bred on a diet mixed with marijuana leaves. Mixing marijuana in the bait will improve the taste and aroma of pork. To prove this, Schneidau said he would like to run a "blindfold test" event using marijuana pork and regular pork.

Pigs didn't smoke marijuana
Pigs didn't smoke marijuana

But isn't feeding marijuana harmful to pigs? Pigs also have receptors for the marijuana component "tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)," which has euphoric effects. For this reason, if you give too much marijuana, pigs may become overweight or have a much more laid back personality than pigs that do not give marijuana.

The marijuana pig eating event "Pot Pig Gig" is scheduled to be held for the second time this summer.