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Shouldn't I drink coffee between 8am and 9am? What is the time when caffeine works?

"Coffee should not be drunk between 8 and 9 am," claims Steven Miller, a PhD student majoring in neuroscience.

According to Miller's blog, drinking coffee between 8 and 9 am not only does not have the wakefulness effect of caffeine, but also makes the body resistant to caffeine, causing overdose of caffeine. It will be. What exactly does this mean?

Miller says that the effectiveness of caffeine in coffee depends on the blood level of cortisol, a type of glucocorticoid secreted by the adrenal cortex. From 8 am to 9 am, the time when the blood concentration of cortisol is highest to promote the awakening of the body. It seems that it is the time zone where the effect of caffeine contained in coffee can not be expected most.

The disadvantage of drinking coffee between 8am and 9am is not just that caffeine doesn't work. Miller argues that it also leads to overdose of caffeine.

The basic principle of pharmacology is "take when the body needs the drug". For example, painkillers should be taken when there is pain. If you continue to take it when it doesn't hurt anywhere, you will end up with a body that doesn't work when you really have pain. I'm scared.

Coffee between 8am and 9am is also the act of ingesting caffeine when the body does not need it. If you continue, your body will become more resistant to caffeine and your body will be less effective with caffeine. As a result, people tend to overdose caffeine, Miller explains.

For the body where caffeine does not work ...?

According to Miller, blood cortisol levels increase from 8 am to 9 am, from noon to 1 pm and from 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm. It seems that you should avoid consuming coffee during these times.

So when should you drink? In the morning, it's best between 9:30 and 11:30 in the morning. During this time, blood cortisol levels continue to decline, increasing the effectiveness of caffeine. In addition, it seems that the time zone from 1:30 to 5:00 is also effective.

When do you drink It's from 9:30 to 11:30!
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