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[Recipe] "Shining Mayo Tofu" A harmony of rich mayo and sauce! A plate that makes children happy

Rich horse "shining mayo tofu" Rich harmony of rich mayo and sauce! A plate that makes children happy

Introducing a simple recipe for "shining mayonnaise tofu" that is nicely seasoned with rich flavor. It's delicious with plenty of sauce entwined with the plump tofu.

Material ( For 2 people )
Tofu (silk) 1 chome
sugar 2 tablespoons
Soy sauce 3 tbsp
sweet sake 2 tablespoons
Liquor 1 tablespoon
Starch Appropriate amount
mayonnaise Appropriate amount
Chopped green onions Appropriate amount
Sesame oil 1 tablespoon

This is all you need to eat! Introducing the recipe for "shining mayonnaise tofu", which is nice to have a rich and rich seasoning. It's delicious with plenty of sauce entwined with the plump tofu.

Shining mayo tofu


1 tofu (silk) 2 tablespoons sugar
3 tablespoons of soy sauce
2 tablespoons mirin
1 tablespoon of sake
Potato starch Appropriate amount mayonnaise Appropriate amount Chopped green onion Appropriate amount Sesame oil 1 tablespoon

How to make

Mix sugar, soy sauce, mirin and sake in a bowl. Wrap the tofu in kitchen paper, place it on a bakeware, heat it in the microwave, or put it in the refrigerator to drain it.

After draining the tofu, cut it into bite-sized pieces.

Sprinkle the tofu with potato starch.

Put sesame oil in a frying pan and heat it, then add tofu and bake until the surface is browned.

Add the mixed seasoning and simmer the whole.

Serve in a bowl, sprinkle with mayonnaise and sprinkle the green onions, and you're done!


The tofu, which is entwined with a thick sauce, is rich and rich! The mellowness of the mayonnaise and the richness of the sauce go well with the tofu. Tofu has a refreshing image, but it will be a satisfying dish.

"Shining mayo tofu" is perfect for side dishes while saving money. Your child will surely be happy!
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