Home   »   Recipe   »   Cheese   »   Summary of simple snack recipes featuring cheese! Melty Camembert wrapped in bacon and mozzarella pickled

Summary of simple snack recipes featuring cheese! Melty Camembert wrapped in bacon and mozzarella pickled

I like cheese better than rice three times. Here are 6 simple snack recipes with cheese as the main character to give to you! There are many things you'll want to try right now ~, prepare beer and wine and give it a try.

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1, cheese crackers

A simple recipe using sliced cheese that can be done in 5 minutes. Simply divide one melt-type sliced cheese into four equal parts, place them on a cooking sheet, and heat them in the microwave for one and a half to two minutes. When the cheese melts and hardens, and the heat is removed, it's done!

When you bite it, it has a crispy and light texture. The more you chew, the richer and more delicious the cheese spreads. This salty taste and fragrance arouse beer ... It's delicious even if you top it with cereals and nuts and bake it!

2, pickled mozzarella

Simply soak the mozzarella cheese, which has been wiped dry, in a sauce that combines soy sauce and mirin for at least 2 hours. Serve with green perilla and wasabi if you like!

A chewy texture and a refreshing richness unique to mozzarella. The flavor and aroma of soy sauce blend in well here to enhance the taste of cheese. Well, it's simple and good!

The pickled 6P cheese is also delicious, so please enjoy it as you like.

3, whole Camembert roasted

Cut Camembert cheese into 6 equal parts. Simply apply miso or yuzu pepper to the top, place it on aluminum foil, and bake it in an oven toaster for 10 minutes. Let's grill vegetables such as paprika that you dip and eat here.

The richness of creamy Camembert cheese that melts perfectly. This is complemented by salty miso and spicy yuzu pepper. The fragrance is also improved by roasting. The mellowness of the cheese is combined with the exquisite saltiness to make the best sake. If you dip vegetables in melty cheese and eat it, you will be happy again!

4, Camembert bacon roll

This is also a simple recipe using whole Camembert cheese. Wrap bacon around Camembert, put it on aluminum foil, and put it in the oven. Bake the bacon until it is browned and you're done.

When you put a knife in the bacon, the Camembert cheese wrapped inside will tear and overflow. The juicy taste of bacon is combined with the richness of cheese, giving it an amazing sense of luxury! It is delicious to eat with bread and vegetables. With beer and wine!

5, chili oil cream cheese

A simple snack that can be made with cream cheese in 5 minutes. After cutting the cream cheese to a suitable size, mix the chili oil to eat with the chopped green onions. This completes!

The mellow cream cheese, the flavor and richness of the chili oil you eat, and the spiciness combine to create an adult taste! The bittersweetness and texture of the crispy green onions will be a nice accent. You can use it as a snack as it is, put it on crackers or baguettes, or use it as a companion to white rice.

6, snack cream cheese

A simple snack made with cream cheese and your favorite snacks on the market. Cut the cream cheese into small diced pieces. If it is troublesome, you can leave the individual packaging type as it is. Put the snacks in a plastic bag and beat them finely to crush them. Put cream cheese in here, shake it and sprinkle the snacks evenly on the whole, and you're done!

The junky seasoning of snacks, the crispy texture, and the mellow cream cheese go perfectly together! It is a taste that makes sake completely go on. The texture will change depending on how the snack is crushed, so make it finer or coarser, and make it as you like.

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