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[Tasting] 7-ELEVEN limited "Black Cat Sachertorte" -Cream for pointed ears and chocolate for round eyes! Halloween mood rises

Black cat!

I tried the 7-ELEVEN limited dessert "Black Cat Sachertorte". The pointed ears are cream, and the round eyes are chocolate. The chocolate coating contains a sponge with apricot jam sandwiched between them.

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The price is 332 yen and the calories are 236 kcal. The dome-shaped chocolate cake has eyes, nose, and ears, and it looks like a black cat's face. The image of a Halloween witch's companion, a ghost of a witch, and so on, is suitable for this time of year.

It's a cat. I have a cat

The eyes are hard chocolate, with a cocoa flavor and sweetness that is fragrant when chewed. There is also a slight bitterness. The ears are fluffy cream, and the finish is fluffy and melts in your mouth.

Soft cream on the ears

Chocolate with hard eyes

When I put a knife in the coating, there was a lot of moist chocolate sponge inside, and apricot jam was thinly applied. However, the flavor of jam is modest. There is almost no acidity. When you scoop it up with a spoon and bring it to your mouth, it has a faint apricot scent.

Inside is a sponge. Apricot jam is applied

The sponge and coating go perfectly together, and when you sip it all at once, it has a full-fledged Sachertorte taste. It's a sweet that goes well with coffee.

Enjoy with hot coffee
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