Mos Burger "Morning Mos".

Mos Burger "Morning Mos" Latest Menu Summary

Mos Burger's latest "Morning Mos" menu is summarized! There are five items on the menu, including the Morning Dog, the Morning Vegetable Burger, and the Soy Morning Vegetable Cheeseburger.

Available from 5:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Opening hours vary by store.

Some stores may not carry the product.
All images are sourced from the official Mos Burger website.

Morning Dog

Mos Burger "Morning Dog

A hot dog using the well-known sausage "Chow Essen" made with rich and flavorful ground pork. The juicy, crispy texture is served with lettuce, ketchup, and American mustard. Priced at 290 yen (tax included, same below). Drink set 440 yen.

Morning Vegetable Burger

Mos Burger "Morning Vegetable Burger

A hamburger patty topped with tomato, lettuce and onion slices, seasoned with ketchup and calorie half mayonnaise type. Price: 390 yen. Drink set 540 yen.

Morning Vegetable Cheeseburger

Mos Burger "Morning Vegetable Cheeseburger

Sliced cheese is added to the "Morning Vegetable Burger" to add mildness and nutritional value. Price: 430 yen. Drink set 580 yen.

Soy Morning Vegetable Burger

Mos Burger "Soy Morning Vegetable Burger

The patty used in the "Morning Vegetable Burger" has been replaced with a "Soy Patty" made from soy-derived vegetable protein. The price is 410 yen. Drink set 560 yen.

Soy Morning Vegetable Cheeseburger

Mos Burger "Soy Morning Vegetable Cheeseburger

The patty used in the "Morning Vegetable Cheeseburger" has been replaced with a "Soy Patty" made from soy-based vegetable protein. The price is 450 yen. Drink set 600 yen.