"Grilled avocado honey" recipe! Sweet with honey and walnuts on a toaster
Introducing the recipe for "grilled avocado honey" made with a toaster. The rich sweetness of honey goes well with the avocado, which has been baked to give it a savory flavor.
Material ( For 1 person )
avocado 1/2 piece
Walnut 1 tablespoon
honey 1 tablespoon
Grilled avocado honey

Introducing the recipe for "grilled avocado honey" made with a toaster. The rich sweetness of honey goes well with the avocado, which has been baked to give it a savory flavor.

Grilled avocado honey

Ingredients (for 1 person)

1/2 avocado walnut 1 tbsp
1 teaspoon honey

How to make grilled avocado honey

Divide the avocado in half and remove the skin and seeds. Place aluminum foil on the saucer of the toaster oven, line up the avocado with the cross section facing up, and bake for about 5 minutes until it is lightly browned. When it gets brown, put the walnuts on aluminum foil and bake for another 30 seconds.

Grilled avocado honey

Transfer the avocado to a bowl, break the walnuts roughly and sprinkle them with honey to complete.

Grilled avocado honey

What is the taste of grilled avocado honey?

Grilled avocado honey

The rich sweetness of honey goes well with the avocado, which has a savory flavor added by baking! The walnuts add aroma and richness, giving it a deep flavor. It is also recommended to sprinkle black pepper if you like and add a spicy accent. It's a simple recipe that you can scoop up with a spoon and feel luxurious.