Just mix "mackerel canned beans hijiki mayo salad" super easy recipe!
A recipe for "mackerel canned beans hijiki mayo salad" that can be made without using fire, a microwave oven, or a kitchen knife. Recommended when you want to add another side dish without any hassle.
Material ( For 2 people )
Mackerel boiled can 1 can (150g)
Mixed beans 40g (1.41oz)
Hijiki 60g (2.12oz)
White sesame 2 tsp
mayonnaise 1 tablespoon
soy sauce 1 tsp
Garlic tube About 1 cm
Mackerel canned beans hijiki mayo salad

A mackerel can that is convenient to keep at home. This time, I will introduce the recipe of "mackerel canned bean hijiki mayo salad" that can be made without using fire, microwave oven or kitchen knife.

Mackerel canned beans hijiki mayo salad


1 can of mackerel boiled (150g (5.29oz))
Mixed beans 40g (1.41oz)
Hijiki 60g (2.12oz)
2 teaspoons of white sesame
1 tablespoon mayonnaise
1 teaspoon soy sauce
Garlic tube about 1 cm

How to make

Drain the mackerel can and loosen it. If there is a lot of water, the finish will be sticky, so be sure. This time, we are using hijiki seaweed that does not need to be rehydrated, but if necessary depending on the hijiki seaweed used, rehydrate it with water.

Mackerel canned beans hijiki mayo salad mackerel

Put mackerel, hijiki seaweed, mixed beans, salty soy sauce, mayonnaise, garlic, and white sesame in a container and mix well to complete. It takes about 5 minutes to complete.

Mackerel canned beans hijiki mayo salad

What is the taste of mackerel canned bean mayonnaise hijiki salad?

Mayonnaise has a mellow taste of delicious mackerel, slightly sweet beans, and fragrant white sesame. The elegantly scented garlic tightens the aftertaste. By adding a little soy sauce, it has a Japanese taste and goes well with white rice.

Mackerel canned beans hijiki mayo salad

It is convenient to remember when you want to add another side dish without any hassle. If you stock canned foods and retort pouch ingredients, you can make them even if you don't have time to go shopping.