Easy in 5 minutes microwave! Sweet potato wasabi mayo salad
A surprising combination of sweet potato and wasabi matches! Introducing the simple recipe "Sweet potato wasabi mayo salad" that can be made in 5 minutes in the microwave.
Material ( For 3-4 people )
Sweet potato 200g (7.05oz)
mayonnaise 2 tablespoons
soy sauce 1 tablespoon
Lemon juice / tube wasabi 1 tsp
White sesame Appropriate amount
Sweet potato wasabi mayo salad

A surprising combination of sweet potato and wasabi matches! Introducing the simple recipe "Sweet potato wasabi mayo salad" that can be made in 5 minutes in the microwave.

Sweet potato wasabi mayo salad

Ingredients (for 3-4 people)

Sweet potato 200g (7.05oz)
2 tablespoons mayonnaise
1 tablespoon soy sauce
1 teaspoon of lemon juice and tube wasabi
Appropriate amount of white sesame

How to make

Cut sweet potatoes into 5 mm square x 3-4 cm pieces.

Sweet potato wasabi mayo salad

Put it in a heat-resistant container, wrap it, and heat it at 500W for 3 minutes.

Sweet potato wasabi mayo salad

When the heat is removed, add mayonnaise, soy sauce, lemon juice and wasabi and mix.

Sweet potato wasabi mayo salad

Sweet potato wasabi mayo salad

Serve on a plate and sprinkle with white sesame seeds to complete.

Sweet potato wasabi mayo salad

What is its taste?

A slightly crispy mouthfeel with a mellow mouthfeel entwined with mayonnaise. At first, saltiness is the main ingredient, but the sweetness of sweet potatoes gradually spreads.

Sweet potato wasabi mayo salad

Wasabi appears and disappears behind the mayonnaise. The spicy and refreshing taste enhances the sweetness of sweet potatoes and shakes the taste. It's a surprising combination, but it goes well with sweet potatoes! You can easily make it in the microwave without using fire, so please give it a try.