"Forgive jerky made from soybeans" and "Forgive chicken jerky made from soybeans" using "vegetable meat"

"Soybean-made forgiveness jerky" and "Soybean-made forgiveness chicken jerky" using "vegetable meat" will be released by Kameda Seika on October 26th. Pre-sale at some convenience stores.

Forgive jerky made from soybeans

Forgive chicken jerky made from soybeans

Kameda Seika's new series "Vege Me", which uses vegetable materials to propose "a little happy thing for the body and the environment," is now available. As the first step, "Forgive Jerky" and "Forgive Chicken Jerky" will be released, where you can enjoy the rich taste of meat by seasoning vegetable meat made of vegetable protein in a jerky style.

"Soybean-made forgiveness jerky" and "Soybean-made forgiveness chicken jerky" are "guilty-free" vegetable jerky that you can taste like meat. Since it is a jerky made from soybeans, it is a product that you can enjoy with a "forgiving feeling" without feeling guilty because you can take in the ingredients of plant materials such as vegetable protein derived from soybeans and dietary fiber that tends to be deficient.

By carefully drying the dough of vegetable meat, a meat-like texture is brought out, and a satisfying and firm chewy texture is realized. And the taste is soaked to the core, and it is a rich taste that you can enjoy the umami enough to chew.