Yamayoshi Seika's "Potato Chips Wasa Beef"

Yamayoshi Seika's "Potato Chips Wasa Beef" will be renewed and released on September 1st. The price is 130 yen.

This renewal of Wasa Beef is a joint development with King Kong Akihiro Nishino, Yamayoshi Seika, and volunteer members of the online salon "Akihiro Nishino Entertainment Research Institute" in which Mr. Nishino participates. When Yamayoshi Seika offered Mr. Nishino to support the renewal, Mr. Nishino also said that he often buys wasa beef, and this project was realized.

This time, the new package design including the main character is supervised by Mr. Nishino himself. In further discussions, when considering "how can we increase the number of fans?", Mr. Nishino suggested "Why don't you work on development jointly with online salon members?" A product development meeting with salon members was realized as a consumer representative. We discussed new taste directions at a group work-style meeting.

This time, the main character has been significantly changed as the first challenge in the history of Wasa Beef. A cow character like Holstein with a brown butterflies pattern on white that lasted for 33 years until the predecessor "Wasachi" has "retired", and a cute character like a green cow "Wasabi" designed by Mr. Nishino "Sagyu" will debut.

Yamayoshi Seika's "Potato Chips Wasa Beef"

The taste is based on the current product, which enhances the feeling of wasabi, expresses the sharp stimulation of wasabi, and gives a sharp aftertaste. The design follows the design base of the current product that is familiar to users, and the ribbon and logo have been improved to make it more attractive in stores.