Simple side dish for summer "Boiled eggplant and okra"
This is a recipe for a simple side dish using summer vegetables, "Eggplant and Okra Nibitashi". Not only is it hot, but it tastes good even after it cools down over time.
Material ( For 2 people )
Eggplant 3
Okra 5-6
Mentsuyu (straight) 3 tbsp
Sesame oil 1 tablespoon
ginger Appropriate amount
Leek Appropriate amount
Japanese ginger Appropriate amount
Boiled eggplant and okra

A simple side dish using eggplant and okra, which are in season in summer. Introducing the recipe for "Eggplant and Okra Nibitashi".

Boiled eggplant and okra

◆ Materials (for 2 people)

3 eggplants 5-6 okra Mentsuyu (straight) 3 tablespoons
1 tablespoon sesame oil
Ginger (tube is OK) Appropriate amount of green onion Appropriate amount of Japanese ginger

◆ How to make

1. Cut the upper part of the okra.

Okra cut the upper part

2. Peel the eggplant in stripes (it doesn't have to be peeled), cut it in half vertically, and cut it into a cross.

Cut eggplant

3. Heat sesame oil and grated ginger in a frying pan, add eggplant and fry.

Eggplant fried in a frying pan

4. When the eggplant becomes soft, add mentsuyu and okra, cover and simmer for about 5 minutes.

Boiled eggplant and okra

5. Place the eggplant and okra in a bowl and chop the Japanese ginger into small pieces. Sprinkle the chopped green onions in any amount and you're done.

Boiled eggplant and okra

◆ What is the taste?

Every time you chew the eggplant, the taste of the noodle soup overflows. The sticky okra has a good taste and is the best. The scent of ginger and sesame oil, which worked as an accent, goes through your nose. You can choose the amount of condiments you like, but it is recommended to sprinkle a generous amount. The spiciness of onions and ginger leads to a refreshing aftertaste.

Boiled eggplant and okra

Not only is it hot, but it tastes good even after it cools down over time. On hot days, you can enjoy the cool summer taste by cooling it in the refrigerator before eating.