Sherbet with carbonated ice "Schwabet"

Kojimaya Dairy Confectionery will release "Schwabet" from April 1st at some supermarkets and service areas in the Kanto area. The price is open.

"Shwabet" is Kojimaya's special sherbet mixed with carbonated ice to make it crunchy, shwashwa, and a new texture sherbet that you can enjoy at random. We use "carbonic acid ice", which is a squishy ice that traps carbonic acid. There are two flavors, melon soda flavor and pink grapefruit soda flavor.

The melon soda taste has a slight sweetness of melon, a green sorbet reminiscent of melon soda, and a refreshing feeling with carbonated ice. Vanilla sauce creates a more melon soda feel.

Sherbet with carbonated ice "Schwabet"

The pink grapefruit soda flavor is a cute pink sorbet with a gentle sweetness and mellow acidity, and a refreshing feeling with carbonated ice. It goes well with vanilla sauce.

"Schwabet" looks good when you want to be refreshed and refreshed. It's also good for a snack after taking a bath ♪