MeetFresh Fresh Imosen "Tapioca Hot Sandwich"

Discover the menu you are interested in at the Taiwanese sweets "Meet Fresh". Its name is "Tapioca Hot Sandwich" ! The price is 350 yen per plate (tax included, same below). The drink set is 900 yen.

This is a hot sandwich with tapioca sandwiched between them. This menu is limited to Japan. There are three flavors: taro, sweet potato, and mascarpone.

MeetFresh Fresh Imosen "Tapioca Hot Sandwich"

Large, chewy tapioca that overflows from the crispy and fragrant dough. Mascarpone melts and spreads a mellow richness. It is sweet and tastes like a warm custard cream sauce.

MeetFresh Fresh Imosen "Tapioca Hot Sandwich"

MeetFresh Fresh Imosen "Tapioca Hot Sandwich"
Melty and chewy

Hokuhoku and mellow taro are slightly less sweet than sweet potatoes. Both pastes have a sticky texture and are irresistible for potato lovers!

MeetFresh Fresh Imosen "Tapioca Hot Sandwich"

MeetFresh Fresh Imosen "Tapioca Hot Sandwich"
Sticky, with taro paste

MeetFresh Fresh Imosen "Tapioca Hot Sandwich"
Sweet potato

MeetFresh Fresh Imosen "Tapioca Hot Sandwich"
Moist and sweeter than taro

Before eating, I thought, "What about the combination of bread and warm tapioca ...?", But since it's carbohydrate x carbohydrate, it's quite compatible. You can enjoy two different textures, crispy and chewy. Next to tapioca drinks is the "hot sandwich boom"! ……maybe?

MeetFresh Fresh Imosen "Tapioca Hot Sandwich" is perfect for those who want to enjoy tapioca in the coming season when it's getting colder. If you are interested, why not give it a try?