Cafe de Crié "Bitter Crunch Caramel Latte
feeling of tired relief or accomplishment after effort or perseverance

Cafe de Crié "Bitter Crunch Caramel Latte

We tried Cafe de Crié's seasonal menu item, the "Bitter Crunch Caramel Latte. It is a strong espresso, but the addition of milk and caramel gives it a dusty taste.

Cafe de Crié "Bitter Crunch Caramel Latte
I want to drink in the comfort of the restaurant.

The price is 380 yen (tax not included). The latte is topped with salted caramel syrup, whipped cream, caramel sauce, and coffee candy crunches as toppings.

Cafe de Crié "Bitter Crunch Caramel Latte
It has candy crunches in it.

The mild bitterness of the espresso, the mildness of Hokkaido milk, and the sweetness of the salted caramel blend together in harmony. Crispy, bittersweet coffee candy crunches are the accent.

Cafe de Crié "Bitter Crunch Caramel Latte
Whip is thick.

When you put your mouth on it, the whipped cream is quite thick and melts softly on your tongue. The candy crunches have a pleasant crunch, but soon dissolve into the warmth of the espresso.

The espresso has a high coffee aroma, but the bitterness is gentle and soft, allowing you to drink it without being self-conscious. It is ideal for sitting inside a store, warming your body, and enjoying a leisurely cup.