Ministop "Premium Waguri Montblanc Soft"
I want to eat!

Autumn limited software "Premium Waguri Montblanc Soft" is being sold at each Ministop store. The price is 332 yen (tax included).

The popular "Premium Waguri Montblanc Soft", which was released in 2015 and 2017, will be revived for the first time in two years after being renewed.

This premium Waguri Mont Blanc soft is finished so that you can enjoy the original taste of Waguri. The soft serve ice cream has a modest milky taste and Western liquor flavor, and the corn has been changed to a bittersweet cocoa waffle corn to further bring out the original flavorful taste of Waguri.

Soft serve ice cream is also served in cups. In addition, "Premium Waguri Montblanc Mix Soft" will also be on sale. Check it out if you like chestnuts!