"Yawa Snow Ice Strawberry" and "Yawa Snow Ice Mango"
Various ways to enjoy

The ice cream "Yawa Snow Ice Strawberry" and "Yawa Snow Ice Mango" that you can decorate on a plate to your liking will be released on March 26th. The estimated price is 150 yen (excluding tax).

Ice cream with a "crispy and fluffy" texture. Strawberry ice / mango ice, homemade ice like fresh snow using Hakusan's famous water, flesh-filled sauce finished by a method that keeps the feeling of freshness, and homemade yogurt that brings out the original sweetness and acidity of the fruit are used.

Another big feature is the dent that appears when you turn the cup over and put it on a plate. You can arrange your favorite sweets by using this dent to top with fruits and whipped cream.

Arranged "Yawa Snow Ice Strawberry" and "Yawa Snow Ice Mango"
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