Kameda Seika "Happy Turn Tochiotomi

Happy Turn Tochiotome" from Kameda Seika

Happy Turn Tochiotome" is sold by Kameda Seika. 20 bags in a box are available for 864 yen (tax included).

This is a Happy Turn with strawberry juice powder (30% Tochiotome juice in the powder). It is a local product sold in Tochigi Prefecture.

Kameda Seika "Happy Turn Tochiotomi

Happy Turn, with its unique and addictive sweetness, has collaborated with the fruit "Tochiotome". I was curious about it, so I actually tried it.

Exquisite strawberry flavor

When you open the bag, the sweet and sour aroma of strawberries spreads out! It is quite strong. The surface is covered with light pink powder.

Kameda Seika "Happy Turn Tochiotomi
Pink powder.

The strawberry flavor comes first, followed by the sweet and salty taste of Happy Turn. It's more refreshing than I expected, and it retains the original flavor of Happy Turn while adding a soft sourness and sweetness. It's a surprisingly good match...or is it?

Kameda Seika "Happy Turn Tochiotomi

To be honest, I can't say that it's "a definite repeat taste! I can't say that it's "sure to be repeated," but it certainly has a fresh taste. It has a mysterious charm that makes you keep eating two or three pieces, thinking, "...I want to try this flavor again. By the way, another En-Eating editorial staff member said, "It tastes like 'Capsicum (strawberry).

Happy Turn Tochiotome (Tochigi-Limited)" is a little bit rare and recommended as a souvenir for your workplace or friends. Why don't you pick one up and try it for yourself?