FamilyMart "Pepper & Garlic Domestic Chicken Salad Chicken"
New for salad chicken!

At each FamilyMart store, the new product "Pepper & Garlic Domestic Chicken Salad Chicken" in the "Domestic Chicken Salad Chicken" series will be released on December 20th. The price is 258 yen (tax included).

The series is a product made from domestic chicken breast with a moist texture. You can enjoy it as a snack or as a topping in a salad.

New Pepper & Garlic Domestic chicken salad chicken is spicy with roasted black pepper, white pepper and coarsely ground garlic. It seems to go well with sake snacks.

It will be on sale from December 27 in Hokkaido, Tohoku, Hokuriku, Chugoku / Shikoku, and Kyushu, and from January 10, 2017 in Okinawa.