7-ELEVEN "Basil Sauce and Creamy Potato"
Potato salad perfect for summer with basil scent

"Basil sauce and creamy potatoes" will be on sale from July 26th at each 7-ELEVEN store in the Kanto area. The price is 250 yen (tax included).

This is a "new sensation" potato salad that combines creamy mashed potatoes with rich basil sauce. Broccoli boiled and fried in basil sauce is topped.

Mashed potatoes are made by crushing steamed potatoes while still warm and mixing them with fresh cream to create a smooth mouthfeel while making the best use of the flavor of the potatoes. In addition, basil sauce is made by grated vegetables to bring out the sweetness, and added milk and cheese to bring out the richness. It is said that the fragrant domestic basil enhances the flavor.