Bourbon "Moist Pound Fruit Mix"
Pound cake that can be eaten with one hand!

Bourbon will release bar-type pound cakes "Moist Pound Fruit Mix" and "Matcha" on July 5th. The estimated price is 120 yen each (excluding tax).

Moist Pound Fruit Mix is a pound cake made by mixing plenty of three types of fruits: raisins, oranges, and pineapples. You can enjoy the texture of soft fruits and the texture of moist cakes.

Bourbon "Moist Pound Fruit Mix"
Contains 3 kinds of fruits!

On the other hand, moist pound matcha is made by combining fragrant matcha and walnuts. Walnuts add an accent to the flavor and texture of the fragrant matcha-flavored pound cake.

Bourbon "Moist Pound Matcha"
Contains walnuts that go well with matcha!