Boss Decaf Black

I inadvertently drank too much coffee and my stomach wasn't feeling well ... Summer is a mistake that is especially easy to make when you want a lot of water.

Good news for those who have made such mistakes. Suntory "BOSS" will release a new product "Boss Decaf Black" on June 28th.

Suntory Boss Decaf Black
New "Boss Decaf Black"

Decaffeination is decaffeinated coffee. It is suitable for when you want to refrain from caffeine intake, but want to drink coffee, such as after the second cup or before going to bed.

Decaffeinated coffee, which you can see in cafe menus and coffee beans, is rare in PET bottles! I'm happy that you can try it easily.

Suntory "Boss Decaf Black"
I drank it a little earlier

When you put it in your mouth, the sweet scent will come out of your nose and the rich bitterness will spread throughout your mouth. Lightly sour, fruity and refreshing.

There was an image that "caffeine-less = light taste", but this is the same strength as ordinary coffee. Still, the aftertaste is refreshing and it is perfect for the summer when you want to drink plenty.

Not only suitable for drinking as it is, but also suitable for bread and other companions. Since the bitterness is firm, you can enjoy a clear contrast of sweetness and bitterness with sweet bread.

Suntory "Boss Decaf Black" and Danish pastry
Sweet Danish pastry,

It also goes well with thick, oily bread such as sausage danish pastry. It keeps your mouth clean.

Suntory "Boss Decaf Black" and Wiener Danish
It goes well with a thick Danish pastry

If you use it wisely, you can keep your stomach in good condition while drinking as much coffee as you like. It's also suitable for carrying around, so it's sure to be a big success this summer!

The price of Boss Decaf Black is 129 yen (excluding tax). Limited to convenience stores and transportation shops.