Gion Main Store, Kyoto Isetan Store, and Daimaru Tokyo Store have their own limited menus from Saryo Tsujiri.

Gion Main Store Limited "Wakamidori" is a green parfait of sencha and matcha. Matcha bean paste that looks like a tea plantation, matcha floating islands, sencha cream, and other greens with various flavors are collected. The price is 1,415 yen (tax included, same below). The sale period is from April 25th to May 31st.

Matcha bean paste and flowers that look like tea fields are cute
Matcha bean paste and flowers that look like tea fields are cute

"Wakaba", which is limited to the Kyoto Isetan store, is a parfait that uses four types of tea: new tea, matcha, hojicha, and genmaicha. You can enjoy different textures such as purupuru's new tea jelly, matcha warabimochi, and crispy roasted green tea macaroons. The price is 1,415 yen. The sale period is from April 27th to May 31st.

Young leaves in the parfait!
Young leaves in the parfait!

"Yellow Wind", which is limited to the Daimaru Tokyo store, is a parfait that includes Hyuganatsu sherbet, summer orange jelly, and grapefruit jelly. It is said that the parfait has a refreshing image that the fresh green breeze blows through. The price is 1,566 yen. The sale period is from April 27th to May 11th.

Plenty of refreshing ingredients
Plenty of refreshing ingredients