At each McDonald's store, two products, "Cherry Mocha" and "Cherry Frappe," were released on March 21st. It will be on sale for a limited time until the end of April.
Spring menu where you can feel the cherry blossoms in full bloom! Cherry mocha (left) and cherry frappe (right)
Spring menu where you can feel the cherry blossoms in full bloom! Cherry mocha (left) and cherry frappe (right)

"Cherry Mocha" is an espresso-based latte combined with "cherry syrup" using domestic cherries and chocolate flavored syrup. Sweet and sour raspberry sauce is topped with a “floral pattern”. The price starts from 320 yen for S size.

On the other hand, "Cherry Frappe" is a non-coffee frozen drink based on "cherry syrup" using domestic cherries. The whipped cream is topped with pink strawberry candy chips. The price starts from 360 yen for M size.