A "carbonated drink" that makes you want to open the lid and drink quickly when your throat is dry. However, it seems that the "carbonated drink" may cause serious health damage if it is drunk too much. The British media Daily Mail reports .

Sometimes I want to drink asexually, that (C) photl.com
Sometimes I want to drink asexually, that (C) photl.com

According to the media, experts are warning about continuing to drink sodas every day. In a mouse experiment conducted by Australian scientists, it was found that if you continue to drink "sweet drinks" such as carbonated drinks on a daily basis for a long period of time, it causes hyperactivity and alters a large amount of protein in the brain. It was a mouse.

In other words, if you continue to drink sugar-rich drinking water "like drinking water," your brain may be damaged and even behavioral disorders may occur .

Moderately sweet ... (C) photl.com
Moderately sweet ... (C) photl.com

It is also said that "sweet drinks" such as carbonated drinks are one of the causes of obesity because sugar has "addiction" like alcohol (Source: International Orthomolecular Medical Society News). If anyone is so dependent on soda that "I can't live without soda!", It might be a good idea to review your habits once.