YO! Sushi , a popular sushi restaurant in London, UK, has started offering sushi using a remote control helicopter on a trial basis.

London's "YO! Sushi" introduces remote control helicopter "iTray" on a trial basis
London's "YO! Sushi" introduces remote control helicopter "iTray" on a trial basis

According to YO! Sushi, using a remote control helicopter can deliver sushi to customers in the store faster than using the conveyor belts that are familiar at conveyor belt sushi restaurants. The helicopter is called an "iTray" because employees use the iPad to fly it. iTray is said to be able to fly at a maximum speed of 40 km / h.

iTray is piloted by iPad
iTray is piloted by iPad

YO! Sushi is currently piloting two iTrays at its Soho branch. Hopefully this will bring iTray to all 64 branches in the UK next year.

Successful pilots will deploy iTray at all 64 branches
Successful pilots will deploy iTray at all 64 branches

Robin Rowland, CEO of YO! Sushi, claims that sushi is a symbol of Japanese innovation.

Robin Rowland, CEO of YO! Sushi
Robin Rowland, CEO of YO! Sushi

"I like Japan, and I traveled around Japan to eat Japanese food. At that time, I was surprised to see a rotating conveyor belt and a sushi robot installed at a sushi restaurant. [[ Omitted ]] I Has also introduced a rotating conveyor belt and an interactive call button to call a clerk in the UK. [[ Omitted ]] And this time, we are introducing iTray. This is something that Japan does not have, and after all. pleasant"

Rowland argues that Japanese sushi is a mass of innovation
Rowland argues that Japanese sushi is a mass of innovation

I have some doubts about Mr. Rowland's understanding of Japanese sushi. However, there is no doubt that helicopter serving sushi is fun.

UK customers delighted to serve on iTray
UK customers delighted to serve on iTray