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[Recipe] Mix and cool! Cube Frozen Yogurt Ice--Add plenty of your favorite fruit

Cube-shaped frozen yogurt ice cream

Easy ice cream that can be made in an ice tray

Material ( 2-3 servings )
plain yogurt 200g (7.05oz)
sugar 1 tablespoon
honey 1 tablespoon
Favorite fruit Appropriate amount

Easy & cute! Introducing the recipe for cube-shaped frozen yogurt ice that can be made in an ice tray.

the material is

・ Plain yogurt (200g (7.05oz))
・ Sugar (1 tbsp)
・ Honey (1 tbsp)
・ Favorite fruit (appropriate amount)

I used frozen "mixed berries" and "mango".

■ How to make
1. Add sugar to plain yogurt and mix well.

Round and round

2. Put the cut fruit in another container, add honey and mix well. If the fruit is too big, it will overflow, so the trick is to cut it into smaller pieces.

3. Mix (1) and (2) and put in an ice tray. Freeze in the freezer for about 3 hours and you're done!

All you have to do is freeze it!

■ Crisp and refreshing
If you use mixed berries, the whole will be dyed in pale pink and the appearance will be cute ♪ With a crisp and refreshing texture, you can enjoy the sweetness of fruits and the slight acidity of yogurt. Pour the yogurt before adding the fruit first, and it's nice to have two layers.

It looks like Mt. Fuji and is cute

It melts easily, so it is recommended to eat it immediately after serving. Cube-shaped frozen yogurt ice cream that might be useful for a small visitor if you keep it in stock. Why not try it on a hot day?

Keyword / Categories
Yogurt Frozen dessert / ice
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