Lawson "Black Sesame Steamed Buns with Oats

LAWSON "Black Sesame Steamed

Buns with Oats" I am interested in "Black Sesame Steamed Buns with Oats" (160 yen including tax for 2 pieces), which went on sale at Lawson on July 18. Many steamed buns are high in calories, but this one has only 88kcal per bun and only 7.5g (0.18oz) of sugar per bun. It has a low carbohydrate content of 7.5 grams per piece.

Lawson "Black Sesame Steamed Buns with Oats

So we tried them. This black sesame steamed bread is made with oats, which are easy to eat even in the summer. Ingredients include oat flour mix, eggs, sesame paste, and sesame seeds.

Lawson "Black Sesame Steamed Buns with Oats

Each bag contains two small pieces of steamed bread that can fit in the palm of your hand. The surface of the fluffy bread is covered with a generous amount of black sesame seeds. It is so plentiful that it spills over a little when you take it out of the bag.

Lawson "Black Sesame Steamed Buns with Oats

Black sesame steamed bread with oats.

When you bite into it, it is soft and fluffy! One bite and you'll find it moist and chewy, with plenty of sesame bits. The slightly sweet taste is enhanced by the flavor and aroma of black sesame. Both the texture and taste are delicious...!

Lawson "Black Sesame Steamed Buns with Oats

Warming it in the microwave (500W) for about 20 seconds made it fluffier and the black sesame aroma stronger. Also, if you toast it a little in the toaster, the surface becomes crispy and fragrant, and the inside becomes fluffy, which is also delicious.

However, I think it is best to eat it as it is! The balance between the fluffy texture and the moist and chewy texture is just perfect. The fact that it is not too sweet is also a personal favorite. It also keeps you full for a long time, so it's nice to know that the calories and sugar content are kept low...! How about this as a snack that you can eat without feeling guilty?

Lawson "Black Sesame Steamed Buns with Oats