Seijo Ishii "Black Iced Coffee

Seijo Ishii

Aluminum Pouch

Black Iced Coffee I actually bought and drank a bottle of Seijo Ishii Black Iced Coffee in an aluminum pouch sold at Seijo Ishii. 1,000 ml bottle is priced at 499 yen (excluding tax).

I often see


iced coffee in paper packs or bottles, but it is rare to see black iced coffee in aluminum pouches! That is why I bought it. Original "French Roast" iced coffee made from 100% Arabica and nerd-dripped with water from the Southern Alps.

Seijo Ishii "Black Iced Coffee

Seijo Ishii "Black Iced Coffee

It has a pleasant taste with a crisp, clear bitterness. It has acidity, but it is not harsh, so you can drink it in large gulps. It has a clean aftertaste, making it perfect for a cup after waking up from sleep or when you want to refresh yourself! It is said that you can add milk to it, but you should definitely try it black to see how refreshing it is!

Seijo Ishii "Black Iced Coffee

The pouch type may be poured out with a lot of force and spillage may occur if you do not grip it properly when pouring it out! The pouch type is less bulky than paper cartons or bottles, which is a great point. If you find it in the drinks section of Seijo Ishii, pick it up!