Morinaga Choco Flake [Morinaga Choco Flake [Bulky Lumps]" by Morinaga Seika Co.

Morinaga Seika will release "Morinaga Choco Flake [Mugonaka Choco Flake]" on March 29. It has a content of 47g (1.66oz) and an estimated price of 148 yen (tax included).

Morinaga Choco Flake [Mugonaka Choco Flake].

Morinaga Choco Flake [Morinaga Choco Flake [Mugon na Chunk]" has the crunchy texture of corn flakes and a rugged, rugged shape, making it a chewy treat. These chocolate flakes are processed so that they do not stick to the hands, making them easy to eat. The package has a playful and fun design with a Kabuki picture motif.