7-ELEVEN "Meiji Smoothie B Berry Yogurt Flavor"

I tried the cupped ice cream "Meiji Smoothie B Berry Yogurt Flavor" that I found at 7-ELEVEN. A dish where you can enjoy the refreshing taste of fermented milk and the sweet and sour fruit sauce. The selling price is 181.44 yen (tax included, displayed to the second decimal place).

Meiji Smoothie B Berry Yogurt Flavor

7-ELEVEN "Meiji Smoothie B Berry Yogurt Flavor"

A dish that combines fermented milk and amazake, two types of fermented ingredients. When the lid is removed, white ice cream with a dark purple sauce radiated over it appears. When I put a spoon in and tried a bite, I thought it was smooth and moist, but it had a slightly crunchy texture. Fine ice was mixed in as an accent.

7-ELEVEN "Meiji Smoothie B Berry Yogurt Flavor"

7-ELEVEN "Meiji Smoothie B Berry Yogurt Flavor"

Although it is ice cream, it has a slightly shaved ice-like texture. The refreshing aroma of fermented ingredients and the sweet and sour flavor of blueberries make it a pleasant experience even on hot days. There is a lot of sauce on the top and bottom of the container, so it is recommended to scoop it up and squeeze it with ice cream. If you want to combine drinks, try iced tea. The calorie of Meiji Smoothie B Berry Yogurt flavor is 205 kcal.

7-ELEVEN "Meiji Smoothie B Berry Yogurt Flavor"