Lawson "Uchi Cafe Specialite Clear Fluffy Maritozzo (with hazelnut chocolate)"

At Lawson, "Troque Matthew -Melting Cream Puffs (Milk & Whipped Cream)-", "Dora Mocchi (Vanilla & Vanilla)" and "Uchi Cafe Specialite Sumifuwa Maritozzo (with Hazelnut Chocolate)" will be released sequentially from August 10th.

Troque Matthew-Melting Cream Puffs (Milk & Whipped)-

A cream puff containing a whipped cream blended with Hokkaido cream and a thick milk cream using Hokkaido cream and condensed milk. You can enjoy the deliciousness of whipped cream and milk cream by making the choux pastry into a smooth texture. The price is 200 yen (tax included, same below). Released on August 10th.

Lawson "Troque Matthew -Melting Cream Puffs (Milk & Whipped)-"

Dora Mocchi (Vanilla & Vanilla)

Japanese-Western eclectic dorayaki with vanilla cream using Hokkaido cream and thick vanilla sauce using Madagascar vanilla beans in a chewy and crispy dorayaki dough containing long potatoes. You can enjoy milky vanilla cream and fragrant vanilla sauce. The price is 190 yen. Released on August 10th.

Lawson "Dora Mocchi (Vanilla & Vanilla)"

Uchi Cafe Specialite Sumifuwa Maritozzo

"Uchi Cafe Specialite Clear Fluffy Maritozzo (with hazelnut chocolate)" is a light cream that melts in the mouth using Hokkaido cream, condensed milk, and mascarpone, and is sandwiched with a brioche dough that uses domestic wheat flour and has a slightly textured texture. Hazelnut chocolate is added between the brioche dough and the cream to add an accent to the taste and texture. The price is 260 yen. Released on August 17th.

Lawson "Uchi Cafe Specialite Clear Fluffy Maritozzo (with hazelnut chocolate)"