KALDI's "Sasuko Mayo Sauce" (herring roe mayo sauce)

A quick and easy way to bring in some of the flavor of kazunoko! We are pleased to introduce you to the tasty "Number Egg Mayo Sauce" we found at KALDI Coffee Farm.

Eggshell Mayo Sauce

You can enjoy the crunchy and crunchy texture of "konoshi-noko" (dried young sardines) in this dashi (Japanese soup stock) flavored mayonnaise sauce. It comes in a 150g (5.29oz) packet priced at 398 yen (tax included).

KALDI's "Sasuko Mayo Sauce" (herring roe mayo sauce)

The mayonnaise looks slightly dark in color. Orange-colored grains of herring roe can be seen here and there.

KALDI's "Sasuko Mayo Sauce" (herring roe mayo sauce)

How does the herring roe mayo sauce taste?

This time we tried it in a simple salad with hot vegetables. The umami of the herring roe has a strong presence in the mild flavor of the mayo base! The taste of herring roe is more than I expected. The crunchy texture is also enjoyable!

KALDI's "Sasuko Mayo Sauce" (herring roe mayo sauce)

KALDI's "Sasuko Mayo Sauce" (herring roe mayo sauce)

The rich and creamy flavor with the umami of the dashi broth is addictive and makes the vegetables go faster. It would also make a great snack for making potato salad. It has a different taste from cod roe mayo, so fish roe lovers, check it out!