Katsuya "Pork Suki Boiled Udon Chicken Katsu Don"

"Pork Suki Boiled Udon Chicken Katsu Don" will be on sale for a limited time from October 2nd at each Tonkatsu specialty store "Katsuya".

Boiled pork udon chicken cutlet bowl

A menu of pork ribs, chicken cutlets, and udon stewed in Katsuya's special bowl sauce. It is spicy with white onions and chili oil. In addition to rice bowls, you can also choose set meals and To go lunch boxes. * In the case of bento, tonjiru is not used

Katsuya "Pork Suki Boiled Udon Chicken Katsu Don"

The product list is below. All prices do not include tax. Some stores are not available.

In-store menu

・ Boiled pork udon chicken cutlet bowl 590 yen ・ Boiled pork udon chicken cutlet set meal 690 yen ・ Boiled pork udon chicken cutlet separately 490 yen

Katsuya "Pork Suki Boiled Udon Chicken Katsu Don"
Set meal

Takeaway menu

・ Pork boiled meat udon chicken cutlet bowl lunch 590 yen

Katsuya "Pork Suki Boiled Udon Chicken Katsu Don"

* Ends as soon as stock runs out * Prices may vary depending on the store